So that must have been when the floppy drive was external. Is there a
25-pin D conncector on the side? (I think it is on the side) That is
to connect up an external floppy drive that GRiD sold. It didn't need
external power so that must have been supplied through the 25-pin.
You _could_ also boot from a ROM if you had a bootable one inside.
The shock detector, I suspect, is to tell GRiD if a repair would be
covered under warranty. I've seen machine working perfectly with it all
red and broken machine with no red on the detector.
Have you asked in the Yahoo group if anyone has a floppy drive to sell?
Or take a look on e-greed?
Brian Mahoney wrote:
Well Dave and all, I figured out the power supply
problem only to find
that the hard drive is probably shot.
The PS contact inside the case had been heat-shrinked to prevent the
battery from working. There was no battery with the computer but if
there had been, it would have been drained in a short time due to the
plasma screen. After removing the heat shrink, the laptop booted but
stuck on a drive error/configuration error, 02 to be specific.
One other interesting thing that I didn't notice is that there is a
shock detector stuck on the side of the PS cage inside the laptop. It
states something about it will show red if excessive shock detected.
Well, half of it is red, other half is grey so who knows if it's been
dropped? Anyway, I will continue to see if I can resurrect the drive.
There was no floppy drive with it so I'm stymied there. Lots of config
apps are out there for it but I can't use them.
FYI, that's all.