At 16:25 4/29/98 +0300, you wrote:
OK.. Manney has one, but hasn't gotten back to me
on it yet. So anyway,
here's the deal: I'm moving this summer, and so I need to stay online.
(Yes, NEED, as I'm a panel member for , so I NEED
to stay connected.)
So anyway, what I need is a laptop, or a hand held, that has TCP/IP
stacks and a graphical interface for it (so that could be a 386 or later, or
a newton, Mac, or anything else...)
Oh, and this is intended to be a REALLY low cost thingy...
Tim D. Hotze
Hello Tim...
My wife has a TI laptop that she bought in about 1991 or so -- 20MB hard
drive; floppy; runs DOS. This thing is obviously old (though in good shape)
-- but you said 'REALLY low cost thingy' :)
If you have any interest, let me know and I could sell the thing to you
REALLY low cost.
Jack Harper
Golden, Colorado
Jack Harper Bank Systems 2000, Inc.
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