Over time, I have accumulated a fair number of official
DEC PAK's for
various of their software systems. Most of these were part of deals
where I got or bought some company's complete systems room inventory,
so, systems, periphs, media, manuals and licenses (lock, stock & barrel
is the expression, imsmr).
Now.. are these licenses still valid? I can't find any date expiration
and/or software version limitation info on the PAK sheets, so, would
assume they're still valid...
IANAL, but AFAIK the licences are valid only for the original
company unless you get HP to say otherwise. The deal used to be
that the OS and a few other "intergrated" products (clustering,
decnet etc.) could be transferred with the machine on payment of
a fee (300UKP sticks in my mind here ...). So my view is that
you do not have the right to use those licences, unless you
purchased the company itself, in which case I suspect you
own everything completely.
needed. I can get a customer's RSX11MPlus license,
because I will
terminate his machine (for him ;-) and move the contents over to mine.
I have no idea what the situation is with RSX/RT11/RSTS ... Mentec
would know.