On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Tony Duell wrote:
I figured as much.
Is that
connected to what ends up being pin 1 on J2? That would certainly
explain why it measured +12V, then.
YEs. The outptu (pin 3) of the 555 is rounted there, it then feeds a
transtor buffer on the lgoic board which drivs the reset input of the
clock generator IC.
I would start by looking at the trigger input of
that 555. If it's low, then one of the comparators thinks that one
of the supply lines is too low. Is it?
I'd need to check that tomorrow. I'm not sure which would be the trigger
input looking at the board itself.
The trigger input of the 555. That's pin 2 of that chip.
I don'tknow wh yDEC drew that 555 the way they did, but it is not easy to
figure out what is going on. It's not obvious at first glance which line
is the +12V power -- or at least it took me a few seconds to figure it out.
Yeah. It's annoying for someone new to this stuff.
Could the CPU being stuck in reset explain why only the number "4" is
displayed on the display and sometimes changes position? (Along with a
couple other lights)
Not directly. I would exptect no movement on the display at all if the
CPU wasn;t running.
Hmmm. It was moving before...but now it does not.
I wonder... If a smoothing capacitor had dreied up, there migth be
excessiveripple on one of the power lines. This might cause the output of
the comparator stage -- the trigger input of that 555 -- to be toggling
at twice line frequency. At which point the 555 would be contiulaly
retrigggered, but maybe occasionally it drops resrt for long enough for
the CPU to do something.
That would explain why the behaviour is sporadic and unpredictable.
AHve you put a 'scope on the power liens to check for ripple? And again,
Iwould look at that trigger input of the 555.
Don't have a 'scope yet. The one I was going to get needed repaired.
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects