On 4/25/2010 10:46 AM, Andrew Lynch wrote:
I've worked with their IT people and the local sales rep to figure out the
problem. They say the file upload connection is timing out someplace like
there is a bad link between my network and theirs. The weird thing is that
I can upload files to
freeDFM.com which is also an AC free service as much
as I want and it works reliably. Frankly, the whole problem makes no sense
to me.
I agree that does not make much sense.
I don't have that issue with OurPCB, as I deal with them via email
(email the gerbers, they email back a quote, etc.)
To be honest, I got some Advance Circuits quotes on some previous jobs,
and they were 2X the same price I could get from the current PCB
supplier, so I never continued the discussion.
I've heard good things about Gold Phoenix (I think BatchPCB uses them as
the backend PCB manufacturer, which is also something to consider, but I
need more certainty on my design timelines, and my design rules are
often 4mil/4mil/12mil)
In any event, if you want to try them out, I can save you some money by
slipstreaming the boards into orders I have in the pipeline (I have some
orders that will ship in a 2-4 weeks) so you don't have to pay shipping
(well, just a buck or 3 from IA) Let me know. I'm happy to do that for
anyone, within reason.