This is a very long shot (but it's on topic), so here goes.
I have some of those Sony full-height single-sided (single head) 600rpm
3.5" floppy drives -- the ones that are used in the HP9121, HP9133V,
early Apricot PCs, etc.
Now, on the main board of these drives is a little ferrite-cored
transformer. This is the only drive I've ever worked on that doesn't have
a centre-tapped read-write head, and this transformer frovides a balanced
signal into the read amplifier chain. It's surrounded by transistors that
are involved in the read/write switching (this is not done with diodes as
is conventional).
Unfortunately, I've mechanically damaged (read 'ripped it off the PCB')
this trnasformer in one drive of one of my HP9121s (long story...). So I
need to do somehtign about it. I can't find a 'spare' single-head drive
in my junk box, and I can't get a double-head one to work in the 9121
(this may be because the double-head drive I found has a fault, I've not
seriously tested it). I can't use parts of the double head drive to
repair the single-head one, the double head drive is conventional with a
centre-tapped head, diode switching and no transformer.
So what I am looking for is :
A new transformer (no chance!).
A working or defective-somwehre-else logic PCB (it's labelled 'FC-6' in
the silk-screen). No I am not going to try to desolder the transformer
from it (the thing is _very_ fragile), but I could,
say, take the
microcontroller off my existing PCB if necessary
Such a floppy drive with a fault other than in the transformer.
Winding details (yes, I am prepared to have go at making one...)
And while I'm on the subject, did anyone ever do serious repairs to such
drives and have the special tools (compliance-testing weight, alighment
pinion driver, etc). I have a load of quesitons on those...