My computer list, such as it is:
1) Tangerine Microtan 65, Tanex, hand built 16K Dram card, Eprom card,
System rack
6502 based home built system with 32K Microsoft Basic in eprom. I built this
from kit
when started a colleague.
2) Z80 (8080) single board CP/M system, like a big board, 2 * 8" Tandon slim
floppy drives.
Numerous 8" floppies with various programs and data.
3) Osborne 1A, monitor HT is faulty, and no system discs.
4) Sparc Station Voyager, based on the Sparc 5. I have one mint system and
the original development system from the Sun development team. This has
transparent plastics and was used to develop the system cooling, screening
and clearance.
5) Sparc 5 + Sun colour monitor.
6) Masscomp MC5450, 68020 Multibus system, STD+ data acquisition modules for
A/D12fa, D/A08, and PI16, and GCM graphics.
I have 5 chassis and various spares for these systems with some parts but no
chassis for the earlier 6800 / 68010 MC5500systems.
I'm still looking for a MC5600 dual CPU unit....
7) BBC B, 6502 based home computers several.
8) ALpha server 1000a, no ram no, no disks / carriers.
9) Single board 286 system, uses a passive 3 slot AT backplane.
10) Compaq 486 pc. nasty thing, but was free from a skip.