On Wed, 28 May 2003, Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
And I see the beginnings where if some component on
the computer fails,
you replace the computer (I would imaging this happens at Google with their
multi-thousand PC clusters).
That's the intent of blade computing. You've a rack of computers.
If one of them fails, you don't care, plenty of spare capacity. And
repair of the failed system is to replace the entire computer.
(CPU, Memory, even the drives..)
In the non-blade space, FWIW, The smallest field replaceable unit on
a Sun 6800 is an entire system board. (that includes multiple CPU's
and all of the memory DIMMs, plus anything else that's on the board)
My guess says one of those sysboards lists for over 100,000$ (american).
(fortunately, work has a support contract.)
Agreed that its kinda sad, but considering the connectors involved,
probably the only way to do it.
-spc (Not that I like this, but I see this as a trend ... )