I have one of the very few working memory expansion units for the
Commodore 65. It contains a PAL 20L8, and I don't have a reader for
that IC (my FLASH/EPROM programmer doesn't do 20L8...
As this unit is somewhere rare, there is a desire to document the unit,
and potentially replicate.
So, I am wondering if someone has a reader for this IC that either:
a) I could borrow for a week or so to read and program a new PAL to
verify the read (preferrable)
b) I could ship this board to for reading the verification.
I'm not worried about the people on option b, but the shipping. I guess
if I were near enough to someone, I could just hand deliver it. (I am in
IA, so I doubt anyone is local, but I am going to be in Chicago in the
Fall, and I will be in Seattle in the next few weeks)
Jim Brain
brain at