Subject: Re: (was: RE: Tektronix
From: Peter Pachla <peter.pachla(a)>
Subject: Re: (was: RE: Tektronix 4107
Hi Charles,
....I got into the computer hobby/business when 5
1/4" disk drives
were more commonly used than 8". I remember a box of 10 disks
costing about $50....
Quite, I remember the first box of 10 Nashua 5.25" floppies which I bought
in 1983 set me back ?30 (about $45?).
Yep, I was lucky enough to be able to use the disk drives (I thnk there
were total of three units) in our school iun 1981/2, back then the
drives (Commodore 4040s), cost about $1200 ea. Most everyone else were
at the mercy of sometimes flakey tape decks.
>....There was one computer store in town that
would sell you a
>single disk for $5
The school did that for a while after the Apples came in.
Ever see the movie Sixteen Candles, the nerds in the movie make a bet
for a box of disks and quote a $50 price, that was for 5.25" disks...
Now things are going back up for 5.25" (DS/DD) disks as the sources are
starting to dry up, I load up on boxes of them when the dollarish stores
get shipments of them.
Hint, you can spot a 5.25" diskette because it usually has a hub ring,
this was partly so apple Disk ][ drives can grip it, there was at time
hub ring kits for that purpose as well as the keep the old drives from
bending the diskette's hole. HD disks generally do not.
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