Rumor has it that Tim Shoppa may have mentioned these words:
If you really want to do the toner transfer stuff
despite all that
I said, you can get 10 sheets of 8.5x11 from Circuit Specialists
( ) for $14.95, part number
However, most of their own literature & info states that the photo-resist
system works *much* better, and they don't "support" the toner-transfer
system, they only sell it...
However, I'd found some sites that will help "improve your chances" should
you wish to continue on this particular endeavor:
for a kit that includes a small laminator, which seems to help with the
even heating necessary to make the TTS work,…
A bit more on the technique (but be sure to check out their "Toner Transfer
Applicator" - i.e. - a GBC laminator system. ;-)
This guy seems to have the Toner Transfer System down to a science: [[ As Seen on TV! ;-) ]]
=-=-= and =-=-=
Rumor has it that Don Y may have mentioned these words:
Look into (?) and other houses that offer
discounts on your first order (usually -$500).
Then, do your design so that the whole design
falls below that threshold -- i.e. free.
This place claims to offer $5/ circuit boards, because they batch 'em
all up & do 'em all at once. If you're not looking for *fast* service,
certainly affordable.
Dunno about their quality of service, but they do have a forum that they
respond to pretty quickly (I had a question about a particular type of
board manufacture).
They're affiliated with "Spark Fun Electronics" - very hobbyist based
kit/parts website.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
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