Can anyone identify this board? I got it with a bunch of old TRS-80
hardware, but it's not necessarily related. It says "Designed by the
Blacksburg Group Copyright 1979 TYCHON". Any ideas?
I am going to guess that it is soemthing to do with TRS-80s. In
particualr, that 50 way ribbon cable looks like it might plug into a
Model 3/4 I/O bus. The appropriate signals then appear (after buffering I
guess) on those turned-pin sockets, there is possibly soem address
decoding on the board too. The unpopualted area on the left looks to be a
regualted PSU, probbly 5V. Nd of course there's the solderless breadboard.
I think it's a thing to develop interfaces, etc on. Build your bit of
circuitry o nthe breadbord, then linkm it to the TRS-80 signals.