Hi Aaron,
I'm not sure where you are located, but I'm 10 miles from the U of I. I
still have a few contacts there who have not retired yet, and I'll ask them
to see if they can turn anything up.
welcome aboard, and good luck
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Aaron Woolfson <woolfson at telswitch.com>wrote:
Hi. First time poster.
I have a bad flyback transformer on a video board that I've been unable to
locate. I've also been unable to find any information about this
transformer, or the board that it's on. I have lots of information about
what the board is inside of, but nothing on the board itself.
It's for a green monochrome Plato Display Terminal, called an AST-1 Student
Terminal; even the original designer of the equipment, Jack Stifle at the
University of Illinois, does not have any information any more on the video
driver board itself. note: The AST-1 Student terminal was supposed to be a
lightweight inexpensive replacement for the original Plato IV and Plato V
terminals, and was manufactured by the University of Illinois
I've been able to find many defails from University of Illinois archives,
including all schematics except for the video driver board.
The transformer is marked as :
VT-521, EIA-528-8521, type sb-1, E36324
I assume EIA 528 means Electronic Industry Association manufacturer 528,
with the product (or factory ID) and that's an internal number. The only
"cross-reference" is to a SUN microsystems display, but I have ordered that
flyback and have found it to be the wrong one...
Here are the links to the photos that I've taken of the board:
The first photo is of the "markings" that the manufacturer must have put
on, the second photo is of the actual board itself.
The tube that it uses is a Clinton CE745w12h31vrz (which is a standard
745-style tube).