On Sun, 25 Sep 2005, Chuck Guzis wrote:
I did locate his website and he apparently is still
flogging postscript along with a fw other of his pet projects:
And, yes, he's advocating Postscript for general math usage (now using Acrobat
Distiller). Here's a sample:
Umm yeah, Don does tend towards enthusiasm for his ideas.
I did use his PostScript stuff in a project; PostScript to "turtle
graphics" (motion eg. N N N PENDOWN E E E PENUP S S S... where N,
S, E are compass directions) followed by simple run-length
compression, subsequent data blocked and punched on paper tape and
a simple PIC-based box drove an analog plotter, and my favorite, a
Tek 565? storage scope.
"Real Soon Now" (to quote another crusty SOB) I will finish my
microdisintegrator, a surplus stepper-drive XY table (some 30
microinch resolution) for engraving metal with arbitrary text and
images. It'll use the same tech to drive the XY table and
disintegrator "pen" from postscript.
Illustrator to metal!