What would be more useful than the color names (which can be used for different RGB
colors) would be the Pantone or Munsel numbers. The DEC logos were trademarks. Does anyone
know if the exact colors need to be specified when a trademark is registered? If so, then
this information might be available from the federal trademark registry.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence LeMay [mailto:lemay@mail.cs.umn.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:17 AM
To: cctech(a)classiccmp.org
Cc: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org
Subject: Re: DEC colors
Standard 8/e is of course Amber and Terra Cotta. I've seen 8/F and 8/L
in that color scheme, as well as Orange and Terra Cotta for the 8/M.
Less standard color schemes for which i do not know the official color
names are the Industrial-8 colors (red and dark-blue), and another
8/e in light-blue and dark-blue.
-Lawrence LeMay
The standard pdp/11 front panel colors are magenta and
wild rose.
From memory the 8/e front panel is mustard and
burnt orange
Each DEC computer family in the 60's / early 70's had their own
color. The LINC/PDP-12 was light and dark green, the 9 was a different
shade of orange than the 8/e, and the 15's were light and dark blue,
which was different from the PDP-10 blue.