>It is nice, however, to have boot video!
Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Chris Tofu wrote:
So why didn't you use a terminal? You can run a
video card and a
terminal simultaneously, no?
Because the stock serial port is not active until initialized.
You would NOT have boot video on the terminal. You would not have the
terminal AT ALL until DOS had finished booting.
That is with STOCK hardware.
Fischer's diagnostic ROM was usable with a non-standard serial card
with hardwired configuration, that did not require software initialization.
. . . also, Steve Ciarcia's Micromint PC clone had a live serial port,
and was designed to work from a terminal! But, he later recanted, and
provided an ISA card for people who wanted to use PC keyboard and video.
BUT, in general, 5150 on a terminal, instead of CGA/MDA was a nice idea
IN THEORY, but could not run "ANY" of the common software, since, due
to performance issues, "everybody" wrote directly to the video RAM.
You could therefore, run MASM and DeSmet C ("Personal C Compiler"),
but NOT Turbo-C nor Quick-C
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at