From: "Scott Stevens" <chenmel at>
Who's going to win the SYM-1 up for bid on eBay right now, BTW?
A lot of SYM-1's seem to be showing up lately. Most
with only the 2 2114's so I'd suspect that these are
mostly unused or little used( most anyone would want
the full complement of RAM ). There are a number of
nice software things available for these on the web,
including the ROM based BASIC.
I'm off and on trying to restore an even rarer item
connected with the SYM-1. I have a board called the
FDC-1. This was a floppy controller card for the SYM-1
( not made by Synertek ). I still don't know if the
software I got for the original OS is correct or not.
On Dallas' web page, he has a updated OS that is nice
but I'd like the klunky original OS.
The other item that is a little rare for the SYM-1's
is the KTM-2 keyboards/monitor driver. These were a
nice addition to the SYM-1. The KTM-2 came in a 40 and
80 column version. If you have the newer 40, it can be
upgraded to the 80 column.
Both of these items are rarer than the SYM-1 itself
and I've not seen either show up on ebay ( but I may
have miss them ).
Last but not least is the SYM-2. This is an newer
but reduced SYM-1 with an onboard regulator for +5.