For laughs, take a look at
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Sell []
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 11:16 AM
To: classiccmp(a)
Subject: Re: [PDP8-Lovers] Re: how to clean a PDP8/A, dishwasher?
Wrong. One manufacturer I worked for used a commercial Hobart dishwasher
that was modified by an electronics distributer to include racks
specifically made to handle printed circuit boards. This "boardwasher" was
literally a dishwasher. Not a unique setup, either.
You say there is a huge difference. What are the differences? Every
boardwashing setup at every manufacturer I've consulted or been an employee
of used a system that washes boards using higher water pressure and
temperature than your common household dishwasher. If you are referring to
a big difference, then I guess you are right. Your dishwasher is *MUCH*
more gentle for the items being cleaned than the typical commercial