Cool... I guess I didn't realize that diesel engine were so flexible,
although, I knew the military requires flex fuel capabilities. I guess
I didn't put 2 and 2 together.
One of these days, I will by a 91 to 93 Dodge 4x4 with the Cummins
diesel. When I was truck shopping a few years ago, they were always
sold before I call :-(
Will newer diesels, such as the Cummins run on alternative fuels? I
have heard that the newer diesels are quite a bit more fuel fussy.
Maybe because of more precise/effcient EFI systems to reduce emissions?
What if I were to replace the EFI computer with a PDP11 :-)
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Chuck McManis wrote:
To Chad and others, yes this is the same oil used to
fry french fries at
McDonalds etc. And yes you can run your diesel engine on it. Diesels will
burn most anything that can be flowed through them. A friend of mine did
this (put a combination of vegetable oil and a thinner) into his car when
he went in for his California emissions check. Since vegetable oil breaks
down into slightly different components he really confused the guys but he
passed! Building a methanol digester is probably the best.