As it turns out Hole 8..1 corresponds on a PDP-8 to
data bits
4..11 respectively (more significant to least significant). I was
surprised since I expected the hole numbers to increase directly
with the data bit number.
That's exactly what I'd have expected. It puts the 'holes', in order, in
the low 8 bits of the machine word.
The punch is now hooked up (correctly) via my
homebrewed driver
card to the PC8E interface, and merrily spews chad all over the
Any chance of schematics being posted somewhere? I have a PC8e linked up
to my homebrew PC04 (well, converted from a PC05...). But I also have a
Tally 420, and I'd like to give it a go sometime.
floor at high speed! I can email an Eagle
schematic/board layout
for the drive card if anyone wants...
Please don't e-mail them to me. Can they go on a web page somewhere?
Now looking for a Tally 420 chad bucket :)
I have one, but it's not spare, if you see what I mean.