(Sorry: most of the time - no: always! - i only lurk on this list,
reading. I'll promise to do better, one day...)
Stefan wrote:
I'm sure some of you guys have the exact answer to
this :
I've got a VAX 4000/705a without any disks.
I could of course get some DSSI disks but I would rather have some SCSI
disks attached to it. My question : how can I make this VAX SCSI able ?
Give me the cpu board, and i give you a (lousy) SCSI-controller... 8-)
No, seriously: i would go dssi, it's way cooler. If you need a disk or
two, i could help out.
And second question, can anyone help me get any needed hardware to for
this ?
Whatever you need, just ask. I'm in southern Germany, so shipping things
should be doable.
I have a few spares for my 4000/500, which should do.
Michael Schneider email: ms at vaxcluster.de
"Man muss nicht immer alles glauben was stimmt"