Tony Duell wrote:
The place I was thinking of is Cricklewood Electronics. Easy to reach by
pnblic transport from central London, and they do have a fair stock of
components (but watch the prices -- \pounds 25.00 for a 6522? I don't
think so!)
I think Grandata are still going (behind the Wembley Stadium). They're a
TV/VCR spares place, and don't stock many general components (I don't
think they stock resistors, for example). But they do have a lot of
Japanese transistors, etc.
two or three like you said. But that is still more
than we have here. =
and Volts is it and it is pretty basic.
What about Circuit Cellar? We get that in Borders in the UK -- I used to
buy it, but ratehr gave up when it turned into a thinly disguised advert
for the lasted microcontorllers (many of which didn't seem to be the most
suitable devices for the application).
Thanks for the advice on Cricklewood. I have been in there but not
recently. They used to have a nice line of surplus test equipment. And
didn't there used to be great place down on the South Coast, Rye or Wye,
that had a huge warehouse full of test equipment? I remember I had to hire
a car just to get home, there was so much good stuff.
Circuit Celler is pretty much as you said - article/ads for small company
development boards. Since Steve Ciarca left, it hasn't done much that is