--- Josh Dersch <derschjo at msu.edu> wrote:
Paxton Hoag wrote:
I think there is a battery inside that saves the
settings. Early
terminals had them soldered on the Planar board.
You probably need to
> replace that.
That's what I would have thought, too, but there
isn't any battery that
I can see on the PCB (nor does it look like there
has ever been one).
Were there other methods for storing settings aside
from battery-backed ram?
Yes. A lot of the later terminals used NVRAM of some
sort. Each terminal has a "method" for writing to this
NVRAM. Typically you have to hold down a couple of
keys in setup, or while exiting. Some even had a menu
option to write the settings. Set power-up defaults,
save and exit, that sort of thing. Each terminal is a
little different - I'm in no way familiar with the
Micro-Term though. You'll have to play with it if you
can't find a manual.
What does the terminal look like? Perhaps it was a
rebadged Boundless or something.