Could I please post the following message to cctalk?
thanks. It's as follows:
Title: July '08 Vintage Technology magazine is available
Main text: July '08 edition of Vintage Technology magazine is now out and can be
obtained from
www.vintagetechnology.co.uk .
Only ?0.99p / $1.99 for a 40+ page magazine devoted to the collection, preservation and
history of all aspects of digital and electronics technology, including computers, arcade
games, calculators, led watches, phones, appliances, gadgets and robots.
This issue features:
The first pocket computers
Historic hypertext and how the WWW could have started much earlier
The development of car driving games
Vintage personal data-calculators
Entex handheld games
Cordless phones
Flip clocks
Merits of using traditional auction houses vs. eBay
Commodore PET repairs
Daisy wheel printers
ZX Spectrum memories
Plus sections on museums & collections, latest events & news and book reviews.
VTM aims to explore the legacy of recent past technology, explore new
'electronica' which could become or already is collectible, be an enjoyable
resource for collectors & historians and celebrate the history and personalities
surrounding this subject.