[K100D pods]
The probe sets for this model are easy to build. I put together a set =
when I picked up my first box and used it with PICK micros when I was =
inflicted with that madness. Subsequently I was given the set that =
accompanies the above unit(s).
The interface to the K100D is simple, and docuemtned. Physically there's
a 50 pin microribbon connector (unconventionally the plug is on the
instrument and the socket on the cable), for each set of 10 inputs (one
carreis 8 data channels, clock and clock qualifier, the other 8 data
channels and 2 trigger qualifiers). Each channel takes up 5 pins of the
connecotr -- groud, -5.2V, an analogue threshold control signal and a
differential ECL signal pair, the singal for that chaneel. Note there is
no +5V on this connector, but there's a 3 pin Lemo socket on the back of
the instrument (maybe a pair of them) which carries +5V, ground, -5.2V.
Making the original pods, with variable thresholds is not trivial
(although there is a schematic in some versiosn fo the manual). But
making a TTL-only unit is a lot easier, and that's all you need for a lot
of applications. I did that to mine. Used 74F244 buffers and 10124
TTL-ECL translators IIRC. I had to take power from that Lemo socket, of
course. It's not totally trivial to build, since you need to make sure
that the pod doesn't introduce glitches that the analyser will detect
(even if you only intend to use it on slow signals).