Are you interested in purchasing working Kaypro "8"'s [not II, 2, IV, 4]
parts / items for them? They are much more powerful than the early standard
Kaypros and I have found none on my many web searches, although they were
very popular upgrades / modifications in the 1980's.
I am posting a lot of information on _www.vintage-computer.com_
( , now that I can finally access it. There were about
previous posts by me "GADFRAN" but I was not able to do anything else on the
site except post.
I will also check back on this website also periodically.
We are downsizing in retirement and sometime in the Spring of 2008, April or
May, we will get our next dumpster. They are on the list to be disposed of
,unless it is worthwhile disposing of them in another acceptable way.
Naturally,I will try eBay with a local go between.
They served my wife and I very well in the 1980's and early 1990's in our
many professional, volunteer and hobbies.
I can send you a detailed list with even s/n, model numbers, digital
pictures, etc.
all 6 working Kaypro "8"'s were modified by me from Kaypro 4's using
Microcornucopia directions and parts. I kept them running with whatever that was
needed including:
2 CRT's + boards
4 main boards
4 power supplies
2 keyboards
numerous chips including Z80's - A and B, etc.
numerous Teac and Tandon drives
Technical manuals
original software
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