On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Earl Baugh <earl at baugh.org> wrote:
I've been helping in some restorations recently
(both my own, and someone I
know's Sun 1...) and one of the questions
that have come up is valuation (say for insurance, etc, or acquiring
another system...)
My Dad's experience with collectable toys and guns has been that these
things are generally uninsurable unless you lock them away in a display
case. Mostly replacement cost is impossible to calculate and risks are
impossible to asses. About the only thing he could get was, given a receipt
for how much he paid for an item, the insurance company would be willing to
write him a rider for exactly that amount in the event it was irretrievably
lost (destroyed by something or lost and not recovered for some long period
of time).