Did anyone besides me notice that, judging by their ad in the latest
issue of Computer Gaming World magazine, the software division of
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM INTERACTIVE INC.), producer of the original
"Wargames" motion picture, doesn't know the difference between an
IMSAI 8080 and a TRS-80? Their ad goes something like "In 1983, a
teenage computer hacker almost destroyed the world with one of these:
[picture of TRS-80 Model 1, with caption reading 'TRS-80, 4K RAM, no
hard drive']". It goes on to talk about how much damage he could do
with today's computers (go figure), and introduces their new
"Wargames" computer game. Maybe the marketing department should jog
down to the film vault and watch the movie, because _it_ used an IMSAI
8080 with a piece of paper stuck over the name for the young
"hacker's" computer. Sheesh.
-Bill Richman
(Home of the COSMAC Elf Simulator!)