I obtained a socket 7 SBC from Weirdstuff late last
fall. It has the capability of interfacing to a
*variety* of lcd dislplays. Phor phun I had in mind to
*hopefully* connect these old Thinkpad panels dating
fron the 770c (IINM) era. The sbc manual gives a
pinout, so my basic question is are these things
(lcd's) generic enough in the way they interface to be
able to use *most any* source of signals. The sbc uses
a C & T 65550 ic, and their are drivers for W3.1, WNT?
(3.51 methinks...book not in front of me), and of
course beloved W95. You can set jumpers according to
what *type* of panel yer using, according to
resolution, etc. I can scan the relevant pages and
e-mail them if anyone is curious. Grassyarse.
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