The *point* is that enough criticism and lack of
appreciation etc. might prompt
folks like Dave to leave the list or stop sharing his contributions with us; that
concerns me, even if OP doesn't care now that his problem has been solved.
I know that Dave at least has already asked himself a few times why the hell
he bothered, especially with IMD...
While there were a couple such times in the past, this was not my impression
or intention this time - I recent years I generally keep a low profile, pop in
when I have something meaningful to say and shut-up otherwise, and for the most
part this strategy seems to work - I've not had any problems or issues with/from
the list in quite some time (and I don't consider this recent incident a problem...
(at least not for me).
I do regret that my response to the original posting has stirred up such a can
of worms - that was not my intention. My intent was to actually answer his
question, and "lightly" chide him for the tone of the message which to me read
as a complaint where I didn't feel one was warrented. I also reminded him that
the program was free (so whatdya want?), and that resources had been made
available to allow him to put some of his own effort into making it better
suit his requirements. I didn't (and still don't) feel that that response was
particularily out of line - although I do recognize that not everyone appreciates
my somewhat off-beat sense of humor.
But somehow it seems to have turned into something that sounds remarkably like
a group of children squabbling in a playground. PLEASE put thus to rest ...
anyone who has nothing better to do might want to consider going back to
"contemplating your navel" (still chuckling at that one Al) - it really would
be a more productive use of your time.
As to "why the hell I bothered" - the answer is simple: ImageDisk is a tool I
wrote to accomplish a task and it's very useful to me - I guess I'm "a bit
different" that way, but I've written most of the software that I use - I have
the same editor running under every operating system I work on (very handy),
my own languages, compilers, interpreters, assemblers, debuggers and the like,
Almost all the utilities I use were written by yours truly, and I have many other
tools and programs to accomplish various things ... ImageDisk is just another
tool, and I would have written it even if nobody else were interested in it - it
allows me to backup and organize a fair percentage of the media in my classic
computer collection. In other words - above all else, I wrote it for myself.
Having said that, I am very pleased that others find it useful, and that it has
contributed to the preservation of media beyond the scope of my own collection.
It has grown beyond what I originally envisioned and that has been a good thing.
There was a time when "bad vibes" did lead me to question the wisdom of having
made it freely available, however I've seen so much good come from it since than
that I no longer have any such doubts.
dave09 (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: