I have used TECO on and off for 30 years (mostly
off for the past 15 years). The latest version that I
can find which was released for RT-11 is TECO
V36. This version was released with V04.00 of
RT-11 in 1980. The TECO command "EO="
confirms that the version is V36.
About a year ago, I found some source code for
TECO V36 which assembles to V36 when asked
via "EO=", but the TECO.SAV file is significantly
different from the version released with V04.00 of
RT-11 in 1980. The version based on the source
code that I found is 51 blocks long and it uses more
memory. The version from RT-11 V04.00 is just
50 blocks long and has a much smaller root section.
Probably most of the code is the same, just that
some of the code that is in the root of the version
for which I have the source has been moved to an
Does anyone have or know where I might find the
actual source code for TECO V36 that was released
with V04.00 of RT-11 in 1980? If it is just almost
identical, that would be sufficient since it is usually
possible to easily make a few modifications to obtain
the identical TECO.SAV when the differences are
minor. Often, the differences seem major since they
can be the result of a single extra word (plus or minus)
which shifts the rest of the code and makes an exact
comparison impossible. But those changes are easy
to find and correct if the knowledge and experience
of what to do is available.
Since the TECO V36 released with V04.00 of RT-11
is now 31 years old and I have not heard of any bugs,
I have much more confidence in its reliability as opposed
to the version for which I have the source code.
Jerome Fine
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