Ethan wrote:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:55 PM, <arcarlini at> wrote:
The DEC RD54 (Maxtor XT-2190) was 159MB or so. I
once had a brace of
them on a PC.
I had a PCs or two with a Micropolis 1325, but I'd already
converted over to Adaptec SCSI controllers and embedded SCSI
drives (frequently surplus/castoffs from a Sun environment)
rather than go above about 60MB on MFM/ST412. I didn't get
an IDE drive for anything until after 1992 - it was all small
MFM and large(er) SCSI for my sub-32-bit environments. Any
"large" disks ended up going on VAXen and PDP-11s.
They were discarded at work and my (286) PC at the time had
A 20MB drive in there. So I was quite grateful :-)
The idea of a PC with "a brace" of FH
5.25" drives on it is
somewhat daunting.
Imagine a desktop case with a "flip-top" lid (easily opened,
just press two buttons, one on each side. One RD54 sat
neatly under the 5.25" floppy drive (where two PC HDs would
normally go). The other RD54 sat upside down _on top_ of the
floppy drive ... there was no room in the case, you see ...
Quite scary that I have an 8GB flash disk that goes to and from
work daily these days! Times change. Luckily we don't have to.