On 6 Jul 99 at 20:32, Aaron Christopher Finney wrote:
Hi Max,
I got a 3'x3'x2' set of metal drawers, with about 20 drawers in it, from
an insurance agency that went out of business. Each drawer will hold about
one-and-a-half reams of legal-size paper, or a bunch of cards/case
parts/tools/etc. For screws and the like, I got a couple of these
fishing-tackle type cases from the hardware store, about 4" high, and they
fit nicely in the drawers as well.
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Max Eskin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to know how people here store their junk parts, as I'm looking
> for an efficient method myself. For the past several years, I've been
> keeping them in ziplock bags in a plastic box, which is falling apart, and
> also is useless for storing anything small.
One thing I treasure is my old oak card-file cabinet which also serves as a
base for my 3'x4' desk/workbench slab. It's about 36"x30"x18'
and has 12
8"x18" 6" high drawers. It has long been filled however and some things I
in a 5 drawer 5' metal filing cabinet. Screw-top plastic containers, for
smaller items like screws etc, tools, repair equipment, drives, PSUs and the
like are close-by in an old 2'x3'x5' room divider. The adjustable shelves work
well. The rest goes in cardboard boxes.
There should be some of these old card-file cabinets around and available
since the few people that still use card-files use the smaller cards like the
ones in Rollodexes, and the drawers are just a bit too narrow for paper. They
once were quite common in many offices and are really ideal for comp. cards.
I just use cardboard to cover the irregular bottoms of the drawers. They're
usually stackable too.
ciao larry
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