and recently got into the Apple II world as well. We
have a good
bunch of guys here, albeit a bit windy at times LOL. I've received
really good info here, just be prepared for a fair amount of e-mail
Every once in a great long while you can pick up something useful, even
if intended as a respone to someone else.
I think I did neglect to mention in my Apple II message that I have a
whole pile of Apple II 5 1/4 disks, which I'd be interested in trying to
load into a simulator, and possibly make available on the net. I think
I've seen information on hooking Apple II disk drives to a PC somehow.
What are my options for doing this? I currently don't have any Apple II
hardware at all, so as well as getting an interface, I'd need a drive.
What kind of $$ am I looking at also?
I'm a pretty good scrounger in the KC MO/KS area,
and if you are in
search of something obscure, I have a few sources that haven't
dried up
yet. Drop a line anytime.
Cool. My sister-in-law lives in Lenexa, KS.
Gary Hildebrand WA7KKP, retired television broadcast
engineer St.
Joseph, MO
Nice to "meet" you!
- Bob, NQ1C