In the back, with all of the ads, there is a 2-page
spread from RCA
entitled "How to make transmitting tubes last longer". ?Number one on
the list is "Reduce filament voltage":
"For tube types using pure tungsten filaments, a reduction of only 5%
of the filament voltage doubles tube life. ?A reduction of 15%
increases it almost tenfold!..."
"For types using thoriated-tungsten filaments and oxide-coated
filaments, the filaments may be operated on the low side--as much as
5% below normal voltage--if the loading is light..."
5 percent is generally the tolerance on the filaments anyway.
For thoriated filaments (and note the fishy language used - "low
side"?), anything over a 5 percent variation is bad news. Most of the
popular transmitting tubes of the mid/late 1930s were thoriated
tugsten (203, 211, 801, 805, 808, 838, 845, 860, many others).