From: "Ethan Dicks" <ethan.dicks at>
Yeah... the definition of "old" tends to be quite subjective, as in
"prior to what was current when _I_ got started with foo."
I tend to think of "old" as 100% TTL designs, i.e. -
pre-microprocessor, but that's because I got my start with the 6502
and 1802, then later came upon M-series DEC logic-based machines (like
the PDP-8/L).
Well, what I'm trying to do is essentially create a mini VCF that meets each month, so
at least for now, the rules are pretty loose. I'll see how many show up this Saturday,
then in a month and so on. There is a much smaller potential pool of members on a local
level, but I have hopes! Go north-east Florida, we can do it.
I'll just mostly stick to the ten year rule for now. I just hope to have a lot of fun
and see and "play" with some cool machines I haven't seen that much, or at
all. Perhaps a swap meet twice a year would be great too.
Best, David
David Greelish
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