Ethan Dicks said:
On 9/12/07, Roy J. Tellason <rtellason at> wrote:
On Wednesday 12 September 2007 15:38, Ethan Dicks
> > Just a passive cable? Do you have any
special notes, or was it
"FOO", 1 and LOAD "FOO", 1?
I was wondering if you'd want the ",1" in there or not myself.
In this case, the '1' is to designate cassette drive 1 (PETs have two,
C-64s have one). It's probably optional, but I included it out of
Actually I never did all that much with cassette on any c= stuff (though
I do
have one), and never thought about there being two of them attached to
The C-64 does not have a device at address 2, IIRC.
OPEN 1,2,0,CHR$(10+0+128)+CHR$(0+0+224)
would open the serial line at the user port with 2400Bd, 8 bit, 2
stopbits, 3wire handshake, full duplex, 7bit-ASCII, for instance.
The first byte is:
bit 3-0: 0=userbaudrate, 1=50, 2=75, 3=110, 4=134.5, 5=150, 6=300, 7=600,
8=1200, 9=1800, 10=2400, 11=(3600), 12=(4800), 13=(7200), 14=(9600),
15=(19200) with the () not implemented
bit 6-5 is bitsize: 0=8bits, 1=7bits, 2=6bits, 3=5bits
bit 7 is stopbits: 0=1bits,1=2bits
The second byte is:
bit 0: 0=3-wire-handshake, 1=x-wire-handshake (where 3 wire is CTS/DSR,
x-wire is Modem)
bit 4: 0=full duplex, 1=half duplex
bit 7-5: xx0=no parity, 001=odd parity, 011=even parity,101=bit8 allways
1, 111=bit8 always 0
After that, read and write works normally with GET# and PRINT#, however
slow as usual with BASIC.