remember this post?
--- On Sat, 5/1/10, Chris M <chrism3667 at> wrote:
? Also picked up a big huge square HP monitor.
Don't know
the part # offhand, but has a datecode of 1984. First time
I've seen one of these. And I've seen a lot of monitors. I'm
sure I'm hoping in vain that it takes digital rgb.
score! I've been looking for one of those for years. It's a fixed
frequency analog RGB monitor, and was used by several flavors of
workstations (IBM, SUN and HP, I do believe). Awesome picture on that
Strange for me to be asking you, but if you know what kind of monitor this is, and have
specific details (scan rates preferably, digital or analog inputs), I would greatly
appreciate it. Strange that I didn't provide the model number (this much distinguishes
it from every other workstation monitor I've seen, it's a big burly rectangle),
but it might be for the same reason I can't get to it now, it's buried, and very
heavy, and I got no business lifting anything really. I'll get to it soon though.
?God I hope it's an early digital monitor. I plugged something into it before I buried
it, and even the tech who I bought it from said he didn't get any positive results
from it. I know I'm a goon. This I know.