From: jack.rubin at> > I'm
looking for an S100 chassis in which to mount my WAMECO system.
Hi Jack
Is that the front panel that has 7 segment LEDs instead of individual
LEDs? I've got one of those with a box but I've not had time to
fiddle with it.
I've got it to load code but the processor only runs for a short
time before it goes to never-never land.
It could be a RAM, CPU or BUS issue??
I've collected enough pieces to build a complete system, RAM, CPU,
Disk Controller, I/O and drive box.
I regret that I don't have a spare box for you.
It seems like I just saw someone stating that they were scrapping
a number of S100 boxes. Someone that was interested in possible
gold recovering.
I wish people would do the math. People look at something like
the edge connector of a S100 and they see riches. I calculated that
at $760 a troy oz, the fingers are worth about $1 to $2 in gold,
depending on thickness. The ebay value is much more.
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