And there are some minis in there amongst the micros:
An HP 2100A CPU. Unfortunately it is the CPU only. No I/O, no
memory, no peripherals to speak of. Did get the CPU manuals with it,
though, and they have made interesting reading and probably will one
day again. I am not actively seeking the other bits right at the
moment but am keeping my eyes open.
I found one of those in a skip (literally!) a few years back, and was allowed
to rescue it. Mine came as the CPU box with 32K (I think) core, a lot of I/O
cards (or at least I assume that's what they are), a paper tape reader and a
somewhat mangled cartridge disk drive (1 fixed platter, one RK05-like
cartridge). Alas no manuals.
It looks like it could be got to run again, but as I know nothing about it,
I've not put any time in on it yet....
Now *that* is sad: I am ignoring good stuff that I could probably
learn something about, maybe even learn something useful from. But I
am already having to come to terms with the fact that there is a lot
of stuff to learn, probably more than I can fit into one lifetime. Or
maybe I've just got a bad case of hardening of the brain? I don't
But I wonder how many other folks out there think to collect things
that they know stuff about, as opposed to stuff they don't know
anything about? I have to admit, the former makes a narrower
selection filter and the latter has gotten me into, um, unexpected
learning experiences (yeah, that's it) more often than not. And
for most people the "things they know stuff about" is more likely to be
micros than minis.
I swap between the 2 'modes'. Sometimes I'll get a machine because I know
it is, and because I remember it. The Tandy M4 I bought a couple of weeks ago
fits in here - I grew up on a Tandy Model 1, and remember the M4 coming out. I
wanted one then, but could never afford it. Now I can, and can run those
programs from 80-micro....
But more often I get a machine because I have no idea what it is, but it looks
interesting. The P850 (the machine that seriously started me collecting) fits
in here. As do the PERQs - I thought it was a 68000 box when I got the first
one, and was amazed to see a soft-microcoded CPU. Learning from such a machine
is great fun...
(Yes, I am apt to collect this sort of documentation in
the absence of
hardware too -- I am more a programmer than a hardware guy and I
I certainly grab schematics and printsets without the hardware that goes with
them - you never know what will turn up later....
mostly understand computers in terms of how to wrangle
code for them.
And I really stand in awe of folks like you who can understand them in
terms of hardware too -- another thing that is on my to-learn list.)
It's not that hard. What started me off was getting a relatively simple
minicomputer - I'd recomend either the PDP8/e or the PDP11/05 as a starter, and
sitting down with the machine, the technical manual, and the printsets. I
single-stepped the machine, and watched how it executed an instruction with a
logic probe. I where the microcode went, what gates were enabled, etc, and
related it to the diagrams in the manual. After a couple of days I could
understand most of the instructions....
Got any pointers to where we could learn more?
CPU Technical manuals from the late 1960's - early 1970's. Most of those
include a gate-level description of the CPU operation. It helps a lot to have
the machine in front of you, though.
-Frank McConnell