On 4/14/09, Jules Richardson <jules.richardson99 at gmail.com> wrote:
Alexandre Souza wrote:
I know
the group has hashed and rehashed fiche scanning and I don't
mean to re-open that debate. Obviously fiche scanners exist,
reinventing the wheel isn't cost effective, etc, etc. It's
unfortunate that there's so much manual fiddling to get a good scan,
but those letters are awful tiny.
Ethan, there is a way to easily scan these fiches if a normal scanner
negative/transparency adapter doesn't fit the bill
No. Check the list archives for endless discussion of the issue.
The DEC ones I've seen are extremely high
resolution - from memory,
something like 11 x 13 A4 pages on a fiche around 1" x 1.5".
I don't remember the numbers, but, yes, they are high density and high
I'm not sure what the current scanner technology
is like, but not so long
ago consumer-grade stuff just wouldn't handle that kind of density; even the
ones coming somewhere close were relying on lots of interpolation rather
than raw resolution.
I am reasonably certain that the individual letters are small enough
that even "modern" consumer grade scanning gear will make a hash of
Please note that at no time did I ever propose using anything other
than professional grade gear on these fiche. I remember the endless
debates and I wasn't trying to suggest that we've miraculously come
into an era of new techniques.
Consumer-grade hardware has gotten lots cheaper (my first scanner was
$800), but the quality has bottomed-out to "adequate to make copies
for later reprinting". Slide scanners are pretty good these days, but
they are optimized for a 35mm frame, and even then the attention is on
color reproduction and dust/scratch elimination, not resolving details
a few hundred microns across.
Anyway, is a
slow and troublesome way to scan them. Is there an
automatic scanner?
Ones that'll handle the resolution are around, but probably with dollar
price tags in the five-figure range. (Again, it was a few years ago I looked
into this, so my knowledge is a little out of date)
I think that's still accurate information.
Somewhere in there archives there's a whole
thread on this (Bletchley has
many, many boxes of DEC fiche)
Yep. Anyone who wants to make a "suggestion" should check the
archives to see what was already proposed before.