Dang! Missed the obvious!
Indeed, looks like the monitor was SYSGENed since there is an ANSwer file on the disk
labelled SJFB.ANS I don't have the system running at the moment but will boot it
again this weekend at latest and check the config but I'm sure that's it.
I suspect the RT-11 copy either has FPU support enabled (which my 11/34 lacks) or one of
the many timers (I have one on the DL-11W but that is it). The LSI system is an 11/73A so
it is "loaded".
I suppose it is time to SYSGEN a new copy - The
SYSGEN.COM and a load of assorted files
are already on an MFM drive (as a bootable MSCP device) . I have the SYSGEN manual from
bitsavers so I guess it's time to play "seventy questions".
Anything about the 11/34 I need to be aware-of in terms of options? I want SJ, but
probably don't need SJ timer support. I'm running it from a dual RX-01 drive so
I'll have to keep things to a minimum on this particular system. If I get ambitious
later I can try a new "Qniverter" I picked-up to allow the 11/34 to use the
LSI-11 disk controllers.
Why don't you just create a new "virgin"
RT11 boot disk on your LSI?
and then try booting the disk on the other system.
Or did I miss the posting where you've already mentioned that procedure?
What happens if you try another monitor, e.g. RT11FB or RT11BL? It may be
possible that your version of RT11SJ has been SYSGENed for some options in
your LSI machine. Type SHOW CONF on your LSI and what for the version
string like "RT-11FB (S) V05.03"; the (S) indicates a SYSGENed monitor.
Professor Mark Csele, P.Eng.
Niagara College, Canada
300 Woodlawn Rd., L-23
Welland, ON, L3C 7L3
(905) 735-2211 x.7629
E-Mail: mcsele at niagarac.on.ca
Author of "Fundamentals of Light Sources and Lasers", Wiley, 2004