Hmm, no, the picture of the Lisa on their web site is a Lisa 2.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence LeMay []
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 2:04 PM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: Where the heck did they get the Lisa 1?
They got it from The Computer Museum of America. I was just at their web
site today, and saw all sorts of references to the movie, plus I recall
that they said the Apple I they have at the museum is actually just
a mockup that was made for the movie.
-Lawrence LeMay
In Pirates of Silicon Valley last night (let's not
get into the movie
please), they trundled by an Apple Lisa 1 on a cart.
Where the heck did they get a Lisa 1? They're rare as hen's teeth! They
certainly didn't get it from Apple, given the movie's treatment of Steve
Jobs (let's not get into the movie please...)
Has anyone actually seen a Lisa 1 in person, or knows anyone who has one?