At 02:23 PM 10/8/02 -0400, Ben Bridgwater wrote:
I've just acquired an old Processor Technology
Second, I'm planning to use my PC sound card to
record/playback in lieu of
a tape recorder (more reliable, less hassle), and wonder if anyone has
done the same with any success?
I've been using the serial port to send/receive programs. Using a tape has
met with mixed success. Besides, the tape peaks at 1200 baud, while the
serial port should be able to go higher than that.
An interesting experiment would be to convert some of the .ENT format
program files from my web site and use one of the programs here:
to convert it to a .WAV file. I haven't tried it myself, but it should
work pretty well. I've tried Ed's program to decode a .WAV file back to
binary, but it hasn't worked at all on real recordings. It works fine on
the .WAV files that Ed's programs generate, though.
And for those of you who don't care about Sol's, the programs mentioned
above supposedly work for any tapes recorded in KCS format.
Jim Battle == frustum(a)