From: "R. D. Davis" <rdd(a)>
Quothe John Lawson, from writings of Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 03:55:27PM -0500:
And no one has had the utter madness to
suggest a replica of the Mark I
or II relay machine..... or the SSEC.... or any of the Bell System relay
Relays don't normally glow, alas, but they do make nice sounds.
My preference is for a digital computer using water instead of
electricity, but no one's mentioned one of those yet.
Actually I've given quite a bit a thought about
making a computer that uses marbles instead of electricity
or water. You'd put a bucket of marbles at the top and
turn the crank. Gravity would bring the mrbles to the bottom
where one could scoop them up and recycle.