> > definition of "kid" = under age 18
> Wrong definition, I suspect :-) Especially if you ask my wife!
even more so
if you ask some of my work colleagues about my collection.
Reminds me of the old saying "Men are just boys... with more expensive
toys". Certainly Fiona reckons that I need to grow up, playing with
computers and bikes. I might just do that one day but yet, I am only 43.
I read a good Wired article, an interview with Arthur C. Clarke on the 25th
anniversary of 2001. He said he wanted his epitaph to be this:
"He never grew up; but he never stopped growing."
That sounds like a good life to me!
The full interview at:
makes a VERY interesting read, especially his comments on "reality"...
Also, to make this slightly on-topic, thanks to all who responded on my
Northstar keyboard problem. I am in the middle of selling my house and
buying a new one, and the last couple of storms up here in central
Massachusetts flooded my basement, so I have been cleaning up from that. I
will try things out, and let you all know what's up...
Rich B.