It was thus said that the Great Shawn T. Rutledge once stated:
I'd like to play with the NeWS system, since I've never seen it and
am intrigued...
Has anybody got anything at all related to this? Old Suns, old copies
of SunOS which included it, docs, example programs, ... ? I'd like to
buy a working setup.
It's based on PostScript and one of the neat features is you can add code
to the server, thus cutting down on the protocol overhead (since it is a
network graphics protocol). I don't have any information about it, but I
do know that versions of IRIX prior to 4.0 are based on NeWS (IRIX is the
Unix clone for SGIs) so if you can get a hold of an old (we're talking at
least 10 years now) copy of IRIX, and the hardware to run it, you can play
with NeWS.
Interesting bit o' trivia: NeWS was written by James Gosling (sp?), the
same person who initially created Java.
-spc (Used NeWS, was upset when IRIX went X Windows ... )