On 12/23/2015 10:13 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
Did it use ANSI escape sequences?
There is another computer collector in the Bay Area who worked on the
Fortune Unix port.
The MAME/MESS folks might be interested in simulating the terminal.
They like working on things like that. The main CPU would be another
simulation target if the technical docs ever turn up.
Yes, it was based on the VT100, so could also do VT50 sequences. There
was a lot of code added to handle foreign character sets, based on the
Videotex/NAPLPS standards.
I think I've got the hand-drawn schematics in my file still.
That whole early 80s period in retrospect seems something of a black
hole for me. I was dealing with a bucketload of personal issues and so
took on as much work as possible to get the bills paid. So I did a fair
bit of Unix development, sysadmin-ed a VAX 11/750 running BSD and got
involved in too many short-term project to remember. Occasionally, I'll
run across an old disk with code on it that identifies me as the author,
but I don't recall even doing it--we're not talking a few dozen lines,
either, but hundreds of lines.
The thing I remember about Fortune the most is that they had dial-in
USENET access. The rest is a blur.