Proposal for
copying really OLD documents (I get a royalty if someone
does this and it works!)
1) Develop a machine that performs a CAT scan of the document
without opening it at very high resolution.
2) process the high resolution 3D images captured to determine
the ink patterns on each page.
3) OCR the individual pages to recreate the original text
Simple, Right?
Most documents can be opened to about 90 degrees. What does
them in is flattening them on a copier. One could build a
lens assembly that would go on top of the copier that would
allow one to place the original on top with only a 90 degree
bend. The size of the optics is the main issue here.
I saw a photocopier demonstrated on TV well over 10 years ago which copied books
without opening them more than about 80 degrees. I seem to recall it was the
British Library who were sponsoring the development, but I may be confusing this
with something else.