On 16 January 2013 16:34, Zane H. Healy <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote
You need to stop travelling down this road you are on, and get real legal
representation. You do not want to be threatening a Corporation such as
eBay without a good team of Lawyers behind you. Honestly my fear is that
your actions already done irreparable harm to any chance you might have of
getting your property back. Please seek out Legal Representation before you
also do irreparable harm to your life as well.
I have to concur. From a UK perspective: Without going into details,
we are currently in legal battles getting money back off someone, and
whilst, so far, we've done everything ourselves (successfully, if
slowly) the defendant has been representing himself too. The judges
have for the most part been sympathetic and have taken our lack of
experience into account. The moment however that he does find himself
a solicitor willing to take on his case (he had one drop out already
once we explained matters to them), then we'll have to do the same.
I've dealt with the professionals in the past, and they are mostly
akin to playground bullies, and delight at stomping on the amateurs.
Don't let yourself get into that situation.